CONTACT Dr. Martins
Dr. Martins only treats patients who are 18+ years old.
For Telehealth (video) treatment, Dr. Martins only sees patients located in the states of NY, CT, or FL at the time of the session.
Dr. Martins does not treat substance abuse disorders.
Dr. Martins does not accept Medicaid, Medicare, or any commercial or private insurances. Dr. Martins is an out-of-network provider with private fees.
For Dr. Martins' 2024 FEE SCHEDULE:
Please submit the form below - an auto reply will be sent to your email.
Check your Spam folder if you do not receive the Fee Schedule in your email within a few minutes after submitting the form.
Then please reach out to the email provided in that emailed reply if you'd like to set up an appointment.